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 The fish hook represents good fortune and prosperity because of Hawaiians' dependence on the ocean for survival. It was also the implement used by the mythical demi god "Maui" to pull the Hawaiian Island chain up from the ocean floor. It should always be worn facing left, towards the heart and with much aloha.
Koa trees grow only in Hawaii. It is considered the world's most beautiful wood by many crafters and collectors. A special hand rubbed oil finish is applied so the Maui Fish Hook will give you many years of enjoyment. Each Maui Fish Hook is delivered with a half hitch Black Nylon cord necklace.
The Artist Tod Johnson is from the island of Maui and creates these one of a kind original designs entirely by hand. NO discounts or coupons can be used for the purchase of this necklace. Your order's total will be adjusted if you place the Maui Hook into your shopping cart during an emailed sale or promotion.
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Got a question? Email Mickey Steinborn, President, MauiShirts.com, Inc.
The images depicted on all pages of any Hawaiian shirt or Hawaiian dress is a random selection of the print. There are no two prints that are identical; every man's shirt print, boy's shirt print, girl's or women's dress print will be unique.
MauiShirts.com, Inc., Michael (Mickey) B. Steinborn reserves the right to do, or not to do, business with you. If you attempt fraud, are abusive or rude in your communications your email address, name will be removed from our monthly email special sales. MauiShirts.com, Inc. will not tolerate rude and disrespectful people. We do business with a spirit of Aloha. We practice Aloha. We will not accept new orders from any customer if untrue, unfounded, negative remarks, feedback is posted in the Yahoo public forum. The Yahoo public forum is something we enable for you. It is there for us to improve our service to you and others. It is not there for you to make unwarranted remarks or comments.
Copyright © 2024 MauiShirts.com Inc., Michael (Mickey) B. Steinborn - Copyright © 1998 - 2024 MauiShirts.com - Copyright infringement is a civil and criminal offense.
Willful violation can result in penalties up to $ 100,000.00 per infringement. No portion of this web site, MauiShirts.com Inc.; images, photographs, text, may be reproduced by printing, photocopying or by any other means of mechanical or electronic reproduction without the express written permission from MauiShirts.com, Inc.