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100% Rayon California Dreaming Men's Paradise Found Hawaiian Aloha Shirt has Sold Out in all sizes and colors. The print was available in Teal Blue and Yellow-Cream
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California Trivia: The Hollywood Bowl is the world's largest outdoor amphitheater. Death Valley is recognized as the hottest, driest place in the United States. It is common for summertime temperatures to reach more than 115 degrees. The highest and lowest points in the continental United States are in California and are within 100 miles of each other. Mount Whitney at 14,495 feet high and Bad Water, Death Valley, California is 282 feet below sea level. It is estimated that there are 500,000 detectable seismic tremors in California every year.
One out of every eight United States citizens live in California. The Redwood is the official state tree. Some of the giant redwoods in Sequoia National Park are more than 2,000 years old.

Got a question? Email Mickey Steinborn, President, MauiShirts.com, Inc.
The images depicted on all pages of any Hawaiian shirt or Hawaiian dress is a random selection of the print. There are no two prints that are identical; every man's shirt print, boy's shirt print, girl's or women's dress print will be unique.
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